Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sherry Weddell's book Forming Intentional Disciples is an excellent resource for Catholics interested in going to heaven. I strongly encourage you to read it and live it.
As a Catholic, you have a responsibility to live your life for Our Lord in an INTENTIONAL way. That means you follow Our Lord as a disciple and live your life according to Our Lord's will - practicing your faith when it is convenient and when it is difficult. As an INTENTIONAL DISCIPLE, others see you a faithful Catholic who loves Our Lord.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I begin by acknowledging that there are many in our parish who live as intentional disciples… who give without counting the cost. I also challenge those who could be more generous with their time, talent, and treasure to do so.
I recently read this story about woman in an airport that reminds us of God's generosity. A woman had a "red-eye" flight around midnight. She was tired, but also hungry so she bought a box of cookies. She sat down and opened her handbag, searching for a book to read. A man sat down next to her and the next thing she knew, he opened the box of cookies and was eating one of them! This upset the woman but she did not want to create a scene. Besides, she thought, "Well, he is only eating one." But then he took another one. Rather than making a fuss, the woman simply took one herself. Then he took one and she took another one. This continued until there was only one cookie left. The man picked up the final cookie and said to the woman, "Would you like to split it with me?" She was so furious that she grabbed it out of his hand, took her bag and stormed away. When she got on the plane, she was still fuming. Before she sat down, she reached into her bag to find her book. What she pulled out was the box of cookies which she had bought!
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to invite the men of our parish to prayerfully consider becoming a part of a wonderful men's group call "That Man is You!" Last year, 30 to 40 men gathered in Santa Maria Hall every Saturday morning at 6:45am to learn how to be real men in the modern world. They were exposed to some of the best research from science and the teachings of the Catholic faith. They learned about the wisdom of the saints. They were able to develop a vision of authentic men who are now capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society.
The program is divided into two 13-week sessions. The Fall session emphasizes the development of the Scriptural vision of man, especially in his relationship to his family and society while the Spring session emphasizes the practical means of becoming that man. Our first session is September 20.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
God calls us to a relationship. As followers of Jesus (who is God), we are always called at all times and in all places to seek Our Lord in an intentional way. By our words AND by our actions, we are able to model for others what it means to be Christian.
Following Christ can be difficult at times. We are surrounded by tensions and ongoing conflicts. We can see the lack of respect for human beings, especially the unborn, who are created by God. Young people are worried about the future. We all know the temptations our young people face... drugs, inappropriate relationships, pornography, and on and on.
There are so many people in our world who, because of their faith in Christ, suffer discrimination that leads to persecution. Christian around the world and here in Phoenix are harassed to give up Our Lord. Many in our society are afraid of Jesus and signs of His presence in public life are not allowed. We are being asked to not even mention His holy name. One example I heard recently had to do with a 17-year-old girl who was suspended from school after telling a fellow student 'bless you' after they sneezed. Kendra Turner says a teacher at Dyer County High School in Tennessee has banned her and her classmates from using "Church speech" in the classroom..
READ MOREA note from Seminarian Jonathan Matthes
To say the setting for our story is the Middle East is not specific enough. No we must narrow it down. More specific than a country like Syria or Iraq, more specific even than a city like Raqqa or Mosel. To tell this tale properly we must focus past the neighborhood, past the street, past the house all the way down to the door.
But why the door? It looks just like any door that could be found on any house throughout the Arab world.
Wait, what's that?
There's a mark in the corner. What is that? When scribbled hastily it looks like a "u" maybe even a smile. When stenciled properly it resembles an upside-down question mark or maybe even the soviet sickle. Of course it is none of those things.
What it is, is the Arabic letter "n" (pronounced "noon"), it is short for the world "Nasara" or in English "Nazarene". It is a slur directed at the home's inhabitants: Christians.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It has been an interesting August. Many families and students have kept me apprised of their return to school on all levels—grade school, high school and college. Some students asked for special blessings for safe travels and a good year. Let us pray for all our students, in school and in religious education. May they make holy decisions that will help them grow closer to Jesus.
As we begin this new school year, I have been thinking about education and catholic education in particular. In general, my thoughts return that baptismal rite of children in the Catholic Church when parents commit to the Christian education of their children. The rite reminds parents of their duty to bring their children up by teaching them the law of Christ and His Church.
At St. Joan of Arc, over the next few weeks, our school will open and our religious education programs will begin another year. Parents, please remember that the work of these important apostolates are supplemental to your efforts on the home front. In other words, the bl essi ngs of my reli gi ous education only assisted my parents in their work at home. My parents taught me to pray. My parents taught me to live a moral life. My parents instilled in me the need to serve others in Christ's name. My parents taught me how to repent from my sins. My parents opened my eyes to the vocation of priesthood that, in the end, has made me the most happy. I pray that this parental call for your children is one of your top priorities during this academic year!
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
You have probably heard the expression: "Catholic guilt." Some may wonder if there are different kinds of guilt. The answer is yes. Guilt usually has a negative connotation because the "guilt" causes heartache and suffering. Certain kinds of guilt are inappropriate and should be avoided when possible. However, all guilt isn't always bad.
A priest friend of mine told me about a book he is reading called, The Devil You Don't Know by a priest named Fr. Louis Cameli. He begins the book by talking about guilt and makes three helpful distinctions. He begins by saying that guilt is a feeling with limited staying power. That is, most times, we only carry it for a little while before it leads to other feelings, good and bad.
At times, guilt is an appropriate and helpful feeling! Guilt often spurs us to make things right. It sparks conversion and repentance as well as interior honestly. If we didn't have feelings of guilt, the confessional would be a lonely place for a priest! Healthy guilt, when dealt with honestly can lead to true repentance. If there is no repentance then there is no healing from the pain of our sinful choices.
By contrast, sometimes the feeling of guilt is unhelpful and unhealthy. That is, sometimes, as Cameli puts it, "the guilt we carry doesn't match the reality and is therefore inappropriate." For example, I challenge many parents to stop feeling guilty when, despite their best efforts, their grown son or daughter has made poor choices. I tell such parents that, "It is not your problem! They're adults! They need to be responsible for their choices!"
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Parents and grandparents are irreplaceable apostles. This is a concise way of saying that adults have a vital role in preserving the faith and handing it on to future generations. I found a few tips to help Catholic parents and grandparents pass on the faith and I added a few from my own experience.
Hearing you pray out loud for them will move your children and grandchildren. Pray specifically about their future, their education and their faith. Pray about your desire to see them someday in heaven. Also, read stories to them about the saints and tailor those stories to match their interests (There is a saint for everything!)
A pilgrimage. I have fond memories of mini-pilgrimages to Catholic places—cathedrals, shrines, Catholic colleges, a convent or a seminary. Some families who are financially blessed might consider a trip to Rome or the Holy Land (when bombs aren't falling). These experiences will help shape young hearts and minds for a lifetime. Grandparents, a Catholic bookstore is also a wonderful place to spend your children's inheritance with your grandchildren! Buying sacramentals like prayer books, statues, rosaries and the like will keep a pilgrimage alive for years to come!
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The most highly blessed grandparents of human history were Sts. Anne and Joachim. Their grandson was Jesus and we celebrated their feast day on July 26. Their influence on Mary enabled her to say "Yes" to Our Lord. Her openness to God's plan was because her parents taught her about God and the things of God.
The Gospels do not have too much to say about Mary's parents. What we do know is that parents do have a vital role to play in forming their children in the faith.
Research shows that many young people do not know much about the faith. Tragically, some adults aren't much better! That is why we are offering classes for parents in the Religious Education program. We cannot give what we don't have. To share the faith, you need to know the faith. Teaching your children the faith is primarily the work of the parent. If parents are unable to do their job in teaching children the faith, then grandparents must step in to help. The Church is here to support you, not to do your job.
To help our children, the Bishops have suggested that parents and grandparents can be amazing in helping young people understand the faith. Parents and grandparents are irreplaceable apostles. This is a concise way of saying that adults have a vital role in preserving the faith and handing it on to future generations. I found a few tips to help Catholic parents and grandparents pass on the faith and I added a few from my own experience.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
As marriage and families are attacked, many can feel helpless. What can you do if you feel this way? Pray! Pray as a couple and pray with your children. Bring your family to Mass every week. Mass is the highest and most excellent prayer. Secondly, I think the answer is accountability—bring marital issues into the light. Ignoring problems will only make it worse. If you find yourself in a dangerous place, go to confession. Find friends to hold you to the highest ideals. If you feel like your inappropriate use of technology is an addiction, groups like SA (sex addicts anonymous) are a tremendous help. We also have counselors to which we can refer you. Don't wait. Act now.
At St. Joan of Arc, we are blessed with a beautiful marriage preparation program. The couples WHO help prepare others for marriage do an incredible job and I am so grateful for their work. Please pray for them and their families. We are also blessed to have a wonderful couple who are available for marriage counseling. Dr. Gary and Alberta Pizzitola are located here in our parish. They are available to help couples put their marriages back together. Above all, if you have been hurt, DON'T GIVE UP TOO QUICKLY. Try to fix it! Trust me when I say that divorce is most times far worse. In addition, as a Catholic, I believe that the question is not "How hurt am I by my spouse's sinfulness?" But rather, "Is my marriage sacramental or ordained by God?" If it is, fight for your marriage. Don't let the world take it from you.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
Last week, I touched on the issue of the internet and infidelity. This week's thoughts are from an article about data released be the American Association of Trial Lawyers. It shows that 81% of all divorce cases in the last year used some form of evidence from a social media site when presenting their cases. Sixty-six percent (66%) of the offenses were on Facebook! Let's be clear: talking with someone of the opposite sex on social media can be infidelity and inappropriate.
Of course, there is also the scourge of pornography which most definitely effects marriage. Consider this: every second 28,258 internet users view pornography. That translates into over 40 million users in the United States alone. Further, more than 45% of Christians admit that pornography is a problem in their home. In my experience as a confessor and pastoral minister, I find these statistics to be low. It is everywhere and involves men AND women—-movies, pictures, chat rooms, erotic reading, texting and so on.
At this point, I can hear people saying, "Oh Father, lighten up!" But far from being prudish, I am out to protect marriages that are populated by husbands and wives and children who suffer tremendously. If marriages suffer,, then families suffer. If families suffer, then society suffers.
Next week I will address some of the possible solutions for husbands and wives who desire to keep their marriage and family strong.
God bless,
Fr. Don Kline, Pastor
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Marriage, as God intended, is under attack every day. These attacks are from those who wish to redefine marriage so they can justify their own secular agenda. Their agenda is contrary to God's plan for marriage. What is even more troubling is that those who oppose this agenda are marginalized or vilified by those who support redefining marriage.
Nevertheless, sometimes we are our own worst enemies. That is, the erosion of traditional marriage and family often stems from how carelessly it is lived. Sometimes, we need to face facts about our behaviors that jeopardize marriage.
For example, when I was first ordained, I noticed that many reports of infidelity that I dealt with on a pastoral level resulted from ill-advised behavior in bars. It isn't rocket science. People hit a marital rough patch. They travel for work. They stop for a nightcap after a long day and make a stupid decision. For this reason, in pre-marital counseling, I advise couples to stay out of bars without their spouses.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
We need to be praying for the preservation of Marriage as God has defined marriage. There is a lot of misinformation offered by very well-meaning but misguided individuals and groups telling us that marriage can be defined in ways that are against God's plan for married life. To be clear, God does have a definition of marriage. The Church teaches us that: