Life Teen - High School Youth Ministry
Life Teen is our Catholic High School Youth Ministry Program where teens can have an authentic, Catholic community, get answers to questions about life and faith, and come to know Jesus in a personal way.
Spring 2025

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Life Teen
Life Teen meets on Sunday nights from 6:15-8:00pm. Included in each night are dinner, an icebreaker game, a talk about the faith, small group discussions, and encounters with God in prayer. Life Teen is open to all High School Students. Though it is not a requirement for teens to be registered with Life Teen in order to attend, we highly recommend doing so.
High School Sacrament Prep
If your teen is in need of receiving any Sacraments, please contact Marlee Bigsby at or 602-867-9171 ext. 309 for details on how to register for classes.
Youth Ministry Vision
The first paragraph in the Catechism of the Catholic Church writes that “[God] calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength.” Our goal for youth ministry at St. Joan of Arc is for all teens to first seek out the God who loves them through encounters of prayer. Second, to know God as a personal God that wants a relationship with them. And finally, to love God by being disciples that proclaim the Gospel message to others.