Second Sunday in Lent

02-25-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Lent!

During this time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving here at St. Joan of Arc, we have several opportunities to journey deeper in the faith with daily Mass, Eucharistic adoration, Stations of the Cross and our lenten practices.

I want to invite you all to our parish mission presented by Brother Mauricio Torres. Offering a parish mission unites us as a parish to take time and listen to an exhortation during our busy time. It is an intentional occasion of grace to make our blessed Lord a priority in our lives and in our homes. You all are invited to come and experience the mercy of our Blessed Lord through the intercession of the saints. The relics of Saint Padre Pio and Saint Faustina Kowalska will be venerated during the sessions.


1st Sunday in Lent

02-18-2024Pastor's LetterFr. John Muir

When I feel down, I sometimes watch the famous “Double Rainbow” video on YouTube to feel better. It’s hilarious. A young man camping in Yosemite Park sees two rainbows stretching across the sky. He bursts into a kind of ecstasy. “Double rainbow, all the way! Oh my God!” he announces. Then he starts to weep. He cries out, “What does it mean?” Beneath the humor of his glorious overreaction is the deep intuition we all have, I think, when we see the colorful bow in the sky. This Sunday, God sends a rainbow to Noah, and to us. What does it mean?


Beginning Our Season of Lent

02-11-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

This week we begin our season of Lent with a reminder to repent and remember our mortality. Catholics all over the world partake in this Lenten journey to sacrifice things of this world and turn towards God who has the ability to satisfy our spiritual hunger. This particular journey unites us in prayer, fasting and almsgiving.


40 Days For Life

02-04-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

The time has come for me to be the Keynote Speaker at the Opening Mass for the 40 Days for Life and March for Life Campaign. Although honored and humbled to be able to speak at the start of this campaign, I would appreciate your prayers this week as I address those in attendance.