Approved Hymns for Funerals
In planning a funeral, it is important to remember that the Church has already provided all the music necessary for such a Liturgy, and and it is found in the Church’s official music book, the Graduale Romanum, updated by mandate of the Second Vatican Council and published in 1974. These texts reflect the perennial Tradition of the Church, all of the texts are in Gregorian Chant, and each one is a prayer for the departed, unlike hymns which often replace these texts. The official music for a funeral or requiem Mass is as follows:
- Entrance Chant: Requiem Aeternum/ Eternal Rest
- Gradual/Responsorial Psalm: Requiem Aeternum/ or in english,
- Psalm: 23, 25,or 27 Alleluia/or more traditionally, the Tract: Absolve Domine
- Offertory: Domine Jesu Christe or in English, Out of the Depths I Cry to
- You Communion: Lux Aeterna / Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them
- Final Commendation: Subvenite / Saints of God Come to His/Her Aid
- Recessional: In Paradisum / May the AngelsTake You Into Paradise
Each of these chants is offered for the departed, and can be sung in English or Latin chant and remind the faithful Christian what the funeral Mass is for - To beg God that rest be given to our loved one now departed, that they be led to a “place of refreshment”, a final act of charity and of love, and to remind us to continue to pray for them.
At St Joan of Arc, the following chants, at least, are required from the above list, sung to their appropriate latin or English chant (found in the Lumen Christi Pew Missal).
Entrance Chant
Responsorial Psalm or the Gradual (Latin)
Offertory Chant in English or Latin
Communion Chant in English or Latin
The Final Commendation (Subvenite)
In Paradisum (Chant)
Procession to the Place of Committal
In place of the Offertory Chant and/or as a second hymn after the Communion Chant, and as a recessional, a hymn(s) from the following list may be chosen:
Abide With Me
Ave Maria (Chant)
All You Who Seek Comfort Sure
Jerusalem My Happy Home
The Kingof Love My Shepherd Is
Merciful Savior
O God Our Help in Ages Past
Spirit Seeking Light and Beauty
Fairest Lord Jesus
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
I know that My Redeemer Lives The King of Love
Lord of All Hopefulness
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need What Wondrous Love
Praise Be the Holiest in the Height
What Wondrous Love is This?