Pentecost Sunday

05-28-2023Pastor's LetterFr. Oliver Vietor

Dear Friends,

Monday the 29th will be Memorial Day, and while it is not a Church holy day, it is a day well worth observing. I have memories of many years of remembering those who have died in the service of our Country. And love of our Country is certainly part of love for our neighbor. Many years we have visited cemeteries, typically the VA cemetery, of course. There is a Vietor there. But one year we went to another cemetery, a Catholic cemetery. We pushed the stroller along the uneven ground (the kids were younger then) and read the stone markers. We thought about those who had died and of our hope of heaven.


Ascension of the Lord

05-21-2023Pastor's LetterFr. Oliver Vietor

Dear Friends,

Easter season is now coming to an end with the celebration of the Ascension and then of Pentecost. Then we celebrate Trinity Sunday and then Corpus Christi, and so there are a number of major celebrations ahead of us. This is probably the richest time of the year from a liturgical point of view. Families especially will want to take the time to explain and discuss the meaning of these celebrations. Of course, along with these events in Church life, regular life continues ahead as well. School is ending and summer break is beginning. It is time for Vacation Bible School! People are going on vacation. We are all shifting into summer mode. It is great to have seasons of the year: times when we work harder and times when we take a break, when our schedule can change up a bit. May everyone find a way to really rest this summer, at least for a time and as we are able.


Happy Mother's Day

05-14-2023Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve had a letter in the bulletin but I’m glad to get back to it now. First off, I want to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers in the parish. It is always so wonderful to see all the mothers with their young children at Mass on Sunday. Of course many mothers have grown children and grandchildren! For all of you we are very grateful and wish you a very blessed day!


5th Sunday of Easter

05-01-2023Pastor's LetterFr. John Muir

If you had to summarize the essential core of the Christian life, what would it be? Mercy, truth, or love, perhaps? The readings today suggest another word which may surprise you. That word is priesthood.

St. Peter says to us, “You are a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood…’” To be part of a priesthood is to offer a particular sacrifice in order for the community to survive and thrive. Jesus is the great high priest because he offers the one perfect sacrifice which heals and perfects the entire human race. Peter the Apostle wants us to know that all the baptized share in this priestly ministry. The whole of our lives, including every detail, is meant to become our acceptable offering to God.