Mission Recap and Confession

03-27-2022Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday! Thank you to everyone for your prayers while I was away in Honduras on a mission trip. It was a beautiful time. I was able to serve with Fr. Denis, a Honduran priest I had met 9 years ago when we were both seminarians. He is now the pastor in the town of Taulabe. One of the things he asked our group to help with was visiting some of the small towns, or “aldeas”, that are under his care. His parish includes not only San Gaspar in Taulabe, but also the 36 surrounding aldeas! Our group was able to go to some of the more distant aldeas and put on catechetical programs and offer home visits. I would go to a different town each day to visit the sick, celebrate Mass and hear confessions. My step count certainly went up as many of the homebound live in places that are only accessible on foot.


The Church is a Living Reality

03-20-2022Pastor's LetterFr. Oliver Vietor


A recent letter in this bulletin got me thinking about some general principles that might be helpful. Put simply, on the one hand, the Church grows and develops over time, but on the other hand, there is also the possibility for corruptions and error. The trick is to know the difference and to be on the right side, that of legitimate development. But it is not just a test or a problem for us, instead it is the nature of the Church and of our Christian life: it changes over time. This is because the Church is a living reality, not frozen in any particular point of time.


Fish Fry / Mission Trip

03-13-2022Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

It has been great to see everyone coming back and joining us for the Fish Fry! Everything is as good as I remember. It’s great to see so many people form the parish and surrounding parishes coming to enjoy our wonderful operation. Thank you especially to Deacon Andy for organizing everything and to our volunteers who make everything go so smoothly. Many of our volunteers arrive early in the day on Friday and stay until after everything is finished. If you have never volunteered I would encourage you to reach out to Deacon Andy, even if you are only able to help for an hour. Every little bit helps!


In the hand or on the tongue? A note on receiving our Lord in Holy Communion.

03-06-2022Pastor's LetterBrian Hanson

There is a debate among some Catholics that claim the only way to receive our Lord in Holy Communion is on the tongue, as opposed to in the hand. Ultimately, this casuistry is without warrant as both forms have a history and tradition in the Church, and they are not pitted against each other as if reception on the tongue is somehow an evolution beyond reception in the hand. Here’s why: