Dear Brothers and Sisters,
St. Paul tells us: "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup" (1 Cor. 11:27–28). First, you must be in a state of grace. That doesn't mean you are perfect. It means you are free from any grave or serious sin. This is an absolute requirement, which can never be dispensed. To receive the Eucharist without sanctifying grace in your soul profanes the Eucharist in the most grievous manner. St. Paul identified at least one person who should not be part of the Church's communion.
The problem is that sometimes, either because of habit and out of fear of what those around them will think if they do not receive Communion, some Catholics, in a state of mortal sin, choose to go forward and offend God rather than stay in the pew while others receive the Eucharist.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today we give thanks to God for those who have the special title of father. Everybody has a father… even if he is not in your life right now. There is so much confusion about who and what a father is today. Popular belief often makes fun of the role of the father. In many popular television shows, the father is often seen as very passive and disconnected with reality. This has not been my experience with my father or with many other men of God who are excellent examples of good and holy men of God.
In this particular time in history, we definitely need a positive role model of what it means to be a man and a father. St. Joseph, the appointed father of Our Lord, teaches us the correct role of a father. His committed presence as provider and protector for Our Lord and Our Lady are beautiful reminders of a father's love. Those who have experienced a father's love have experienced a great blessing. For those who have had a negative experience of their earthly father, Our Lord provides us with the answer.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I have to begin by saying; we cannot judge another person's soul. Only God can judge a person's soul. But we also need to recognize that there are certain actions that would prohibit someone from coming forward to receive Holy Communion.
For example, this concern about who can and who cannot receive Holy Communion usually comes up during election years. Some bishops have told certain disobedient Catholic politicians not to receive Communion. In the past, some supposed "practicing" Catholic politicians have taken public stands promoting abortion. Because of their public stand in support of abortion, they are promoting a sin against life and, therefore, are against God and His teaching that all life is sacred. Therefore they are not able to receive Holy Communion. This may surprise some people. What business, they ask, do the bishops have telling someone they should not receive Holy Communion?
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This is also known as Corpus Christi. Once again we are reminded of the importance of the Eucharist in the life of a Catholic. Of the seven Sacraments, one could say that the Holy Eucharist is central to a person's walk with Our Lord because in no other sacrament, do we receive the very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.