Marriage and Family

10-28-2012Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Marriage and Family

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The sanctity of marriage and the family are a gift from God and need to be protected from those who wish to redefine or seek to destroy them both. Blessed John Paul II wrote a beautiful letter called Familiaris Consortio, on the role of the Christian family in the modern world. In this love letter to families and to the world, the Holy Father reminds us that God created man in His own image and likeness. That is why we are sacred and precious and that is why we deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at the very least. Blessed John Paul II also points out that God has created us out of His love for us. God has loved us first and we are called to imitate God. We are called to love. God is love and love is part of what is means to be a human being. We were made from love for love and to give love.



10-21-2012Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Catholics are PRO LIFE and we vote for PRO LIFE candidates. You don't take my word for it. Journalist: "Is it ever licit for a Catholic to vote for a pro-abortion candidate. Is it ever valid?" Here is what our bishops responded:

"The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil no matter what the circumstances? If that's the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn't be voting for such a person."
– Archbishop William Lori, Diocese of Baltimore, Maryland

"No. You can never vote for someone who favors absolutely the right to choice of a woman to destroy a human life in her womb. Where you don't have any candidate who is proposing to eliminate all abortion [voters may] choose the candidate who will most limit this grave evil in our country. But you could never justify voting for a candidate who not only does not want to limit abortion but believes that it should be available to everyone."
– Cardinal Raymond Burke


Respect Life = Respect Marriage

10-14-2012Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Marriage is a precious gift from God and a dramatic way for one to live life. For those who are called to marriage and live it according to God's plan, eternal joy in heaven awaits you. Sadly, our very confused government who are called to defend marriage as God's gift is seeking to redefine marriage in a way that is contrary to God.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York has said:

"Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as 'discrimination,'" His statement followed the February 23 announcement that President Obama has instructed the Department of Justice to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a move Archbishop Dolan called an "alarming and grave injustice."

Marriage has always been and will always be the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife. The bond of marriage is beautifully serious – it involves creating new life and one's salvation. Marriage has eternal consequences. Clearly God has something to say about marriage – and He has said so much through Holy Mother Church and Sacred Scripture. One clear example of God's position on the definition of marriage comes from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians:


October is Respect Life Month

10-07-2012Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is important that we remember that every person, at every moment, is precious to God. The month of October has been designated by our Bishops of the United States as a time to pay special attention to creating a culture of life. As Catholic, we need to be committed to preserving the dignity of each person and to building up a culture of life. The first Sunday of October is called "Respect Life Sunday." As Catholics, we pray that all come to know the gift of human life. We also need to pray for an end to the threats against human life and how we can protect all persons from conception until natural death.