Silent No More: A Testimonial

01-15-2017Pastor's LetterRosa Rivas

They Have the Right to Live
Rhode Island, United States

My name is Rosa Rivas, I want to thank God for his love and mercy because without Him I would not have a testimony.

Until two years ago I was living in darkness and in sin. At age 17, I started using drugs, alcohol and was promiscuous; everything revolved around my addiction. I did not care about anything or anyone. I currently have two living children, both with special needs. Even though God sent me these two children who needed all my love and attention, I kept living in my world of darkness and sin and, without measuring the consequences, at age 25, I had two abortions. Since I did not want to sacrifice my addictions I preferred to sacrifice my babies.

I remember going to the clinic; the people outside with signs, praying for me, telling me not to do it but I did not care, I just walked in and said to myself, "It's my body and my choice", but inside I was scared. I remember going in and signing papers and paying $250.00 since Medical Assistance paid the rest.

As I walked in the room, I felt nervous and asked the nurse and the doctor about the procedure and they just said "Don't worry, it will be over in no time," and tears ran down my face. The nurse held my hand and kept asking "Are you okay?" I just responded yes, even though I was really scared and the procedure hurt. Just listening to the vacuum they used was petrifying. I walked out and after that I built a wall and kept living my life as if nothing had happened.

Because of my family's prayers, I started going to church and praying at the abortion clinics to offer the women help. I encountered God through an extraordinary retreat called Rachel's Vineyard, a retreat that helps you heal and reconcile with God and your aborted children. At this retreat I experienced all the love, mercy and forgiveness He had for me and at that point I realized the horrible thing I had done. I felt dirty, guilty, I felt a whole in my heart, I felt regret and hated myself and I felt I did not deserve God's forgiveness or mercy.

Rachel's Vineyard has been the beginning of my healing after my abortions, it has helped me realize that God has a plan for everyone. Let us join as one voice to pray for our children that are being killed. They have a right to live, that is why "I am silent no more"... and I demand a recall of abortion!

Ya No Callo Mas!

Ellos tienen el derecho de vivir
Rhode Island, United States

Mi nombre es Rosa Rivas y quiero darle gracias a Dios por Su amor y Su Misericordia, porque sin El hoy no estuviera aqui dando mi testimonio.

Antes de conocer al Denor estuve viviendo en la oscuridad y en pecado mortal. A la edad de 15 anos epeze a usar drogas, consumer alcohol y llevaba una vida promiscua; todo giraba alrededor de mi addiccion y no me importaba nada ni nadie.

A la edad de 25 anos sin medir las consesuencias me hice 2 abortos y tome esta decision por no querer adandonar mis addicciones.

Recuerdo llegar a la clinica de abortos y ver personas orando y decirme no lo hagas y dentro de mi decia es mi cuerpo es mi decision, aunque en relidad estaba muy asustada. Al entrar a la clinica llene los documentos requeridos y solo pague 250.00 y Medicaid pago el resto.

En el cuarto de examinacion me senti nerviosa y le pregunte a la enfermera y al doctor sobre el pro-cedimiento y ellos solo me contestaron "no te preocupes todo pasara rapido"; en ese momento lagrimas corrieron por mi rostro y la enfermera tomo mi mano y me pregunto si estaba bien? Mi respuesta fue si aunque en realidad estaba aterrada y el procedimiento fu doloroso. Pude escuchar la forma en que la maquina aspiradora despedazaba a mi bebe. Despues de esa experiencia mi vida empeoro.

Gracias a la Misericordia de Dios tuve un encuntro personal con El atravez de un retiro extraordinario llamado El Vinedo de Raquel; un retiro de sanacion profunda de reconciliacion con Dios y mis bebes abortados. En ese retiro experimente su perdon, su misericordia y el amor que El siente por mi. En ese momento me di cuenta el horrible crimen que cometi, empeze a sentir arrepentimiento, me odie a mi misa por no defender la vida de mis bebes y decia que no merecia el perdon ni la misericordia de Dios.

El Vinedo de Raquel ha sido el inicio de mi sanacion despues de mis abortos y me hizo reconocer que Dios tiene un proposito para cada uno de nosotros; pore so ahora asisto a las clinicas de abortos para ser voz para esos bebes que estan sidendo asesinados ya que ellos tienen el derecho de vivir y por eso "Ya No Callo Mas!"