Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is a real gem. Msgr. P. James Costigan offers a very insightful reflection that is certainly worth your attention. Don’t worry... their will not be a quiz... yet!
Msgr. Costigan addresses what it means to be an intentional disciple of Our Lord. He reminds us what it mean to follow Our Lord by using the gifts and particular charisms that God has already given to us. Over the next several weeks, I would like to share with you his profound wisdom in the hopes that you will be nourished by his words and be encouraged to seek first the Kingdom of God trusting that all things will be given to you by Our Loving God who never leaves us and always loves us.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to share excerpts of Bishop Olmsted’s Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men called “Into the Breach”. As he begins the letter, he challenges men with “a clarion call and clear charge...” He continues, “Men, do not hesitate to engage in the battle that is raging around you, the battle that is wounding our children and families, the battle that is distorting the dignity of both women and men.”
READ MOREMy dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every year we remember in a special way our Baptismal call to mission as we celebrate World Mission Sunday, this year on October 18. On this Sunday, we will gather at the Eucharist, as will Catholics throughout the world, in a spirit of love for Evangelization so that, through our prayers and concrete acts of solidarity, the gift of faith may be shared with all. This year's celebration is further enriched as we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (Ad Gentes) which proclaims, "The pilgrim Church on earth is missionary by its very nature," reminding us that all of us are called to be on mission.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope you had a chance to experience of bit of Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S.! I was amazed at his genuine love for all God’s people. He was gentle and loving when he needed to be and firm and strong at just the right moments. The huge crowds and the positive press that he received was refreshing. It was certainly a good week to be Catholic!