Solemnity of Christ the King

11-21-2021Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe. If you are reading this before Sunday afternoon I invite you and your family to join us for our Eucharistic Procession through the neighborhood. Our adoration team has done a great job of preparing these past few months. I’d also like to acknowledge our altar servers and sacristans who have generously offered their time to serve in the Mass and procession.


Be Prepared

11-14-2021Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

This weekend is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It’s always this time of year when our readings point us towards the end times. Jesus speaks of the sun being darkened, the moon losing light, stars falling, and the powers in the heavens being shaken. His description is very visceral! It invites us to consider our own preparedness for eternal life. If we knew these things were coming before the end of the year would we change certain aspects of our life? Jesus reminds us the time is now!


Feast of St. Martin of Tours

11-07-2021Pastor's LetterFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

This Thursday we celebrate the Feast of St. Martin of Tours. I’d like to share with you the beautiful reading from the Office of Readings for his feast day.

Martin knew long in advance the time of his death and he told his brethren that it was near. Meanwhile, he found himself obliged to make a visitation of the parish of Candes. The clergy of that church were quarreling, and he wished to reconcile them. Although he knew that his days on earth were few, he did not refuse to undertake the journey for such a purpose, for he believed that he would bring his virtuous life to a good end if by his efforts peace was restored in the church.