Christ the King

11-25-2018Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we celebrate the last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Today we find ourselves standing at the foot of the Cross. Jesus has been crucified and is dying. Our Lord Jesus, who never sinned, is being executed as a common criminal for a crime He did not commit. He was beaten, crowned with thorns, and forced to carry a cross up a hill where He is crucified. He has endured abuse, was jeered at, mocked by soldiers and taunted by the crowds and also by a common criminal who hangs at His side.


Happy Thanksgiving

11-18-2018Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I really enjoy this time of the year in Phoenix and in our parish. The weather is beautiful, our programs are in full swing, and people just seem to be more pleasant. It is a great time to stop, rest, and focus on our gratitude! Thanksgiving Day is all about giving thanks to God for His countless blessings in our life.

I have so many reasons to be thankful to God for the wonderful people of St. Joan of Arc. In recent months, our parish has made significant strides in our understanding of stewardship. People continue to register as parishioners and new parishioners are becoming more active members of our parish. More and more folks are realizing that we are all stewards of God's many gifts. Many of you have come together to provide the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner to many families through our St. Vincent de Paul pantry. It is so inspiring to see. Your generosity and thoughtfulness will make a beautiful difference to so many families this Thursday.


Our Call as Catholic Citizens

11-04-2018Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Pope Francis, quoting Pope Benedict XVI once wrote: "If indeed 'the just ordering of society and of the state is a central responsibility of politics,' the Church 'cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.'"

As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops remind us, "Our nation faces many political challenges that demand well informed moral choices: The ongoing destruction of a million innocent human lives each year by: